News 2013
Aug 26, 2013 | Nontoxic scaffold developped
The concept is amazing: a synthetic cell carrier is populated by skin cells and dissolves simultaneously. In just two years, the Lucerne-based company nolax and Empa have developed this project up to a first proof of...
Aug 24, 2013 | Empa helps to expand the Stockholm Convention POP list
The flame retardant HBCD may no longer be produced or used. This was decided by representatives from over 160 countries in late May at a UN conference on chemicals in Geneva. Empa's extensive research on HBCD, formerly...
22 août 2013 | LEmpa en fête avec des hôtes de la politique et de léconomie
Des représentantes et représentants de haut rang de l’économie et de la politique ont fêté avec l’Empa le 19 août les 50 ans de son site de Dübendorf. Créer des innovations commercialisables à partir des résultats de la...
Aug 22, 2013 | EmpaNews 41 published
50 years ago the Empa campus was literally carved out of a green field in Dübendorf on the outskirts of Zurich. The exterior of the buildings has hardly changed. However, inside the walls it is a completely different...
Aug 22, 2013 | Two become one with the 3D NanoChemiscope
The 3D NanoChemiscope is a miracle of state-of-the-art analysis technology. As a further development of well-known microscopic and mass spectroscopic methods, it maps the physical and chemical surfaces of materials down...
Aug 13, 2013 | Empa scientists boost CdTe solar cell efficiency
Flexible thin film solar cells that can be produced by roll-to-roll manufacturing are a highly promising route to cheap solar electricity. Now scientists from Empa, the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science...
31.07.2013 | 20 Jahre Elternverein «IG Kinderpavillon»
Am 6. Juli feierten auf dem Gelände der Empa und Eawag in Dübendorf rund 150 Personen das 20-Jahr-Jubiläum des Elternvereins «IG Kinderpavillon» mit einem fröhlichen Sommerfest bei schönstem Wetter.
24.07.2013 | 10. Empa-Sommercamp
Bereits zum zehnten Mal fand an der Empa für die 7 bis 12 Jahre alten Sprösslinge der Mitarbeitenden das Sommercamp statt. Der Anlass, der an der Empa tätigen Eltern helfen soll, Beruf und Familie besser unter einen Hut...
Jul 22, 2013 | Development of safe alternatives
Flame retardants are often extremely harmful to health. Despite this, they are found in many types of synthetic materials which would otherwise ignite quickly. Empa researchers have now succeeded in producing non-harmful...
Jul 1, 2013 | Technology Briefing at Empa
Intelligent materials will make everyday life easier in future. National Research Programme (NRP) 62, led by former Empa Director Louis Schlapbach, is focusing on precisely these topics. At a Technology Briefing held at...
Jun 24, 2013 | A renaissance for historic brass instruments
On June 10th a rather unusual Science Apéro took place at the Empa Academy. Instead of focusing on cutting edge technology, as is usually the case, it dealt with culture and history. In the course of a CTI project, Empa...
Jun 17, 2013 | A «structured» water layer around cells
All our cells wear a coat of sugar molecules, so-called glycans. Researchers from ETH Zurich and Empa, the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, have now discovered that glycans rearrange water...
Jun 14, 2013 | Empa-spin-off takes off
The electricity from our sockets could soon come from a high-tech device flying in the sky. The innovative research project to generate wind energy with the aid of a kite won over the “Venture Kick” jury; it is providing...
Jun 12, 2013 | Medtech-Innovation through industrial cooperation
The consequences of high blood pressure are one of the most common causes of death worldwide. Despite this, according to the World Health Organization WHO, fewer than one in two of those affected measures their blood...
Jun 5, 2013 | World Materials Research Forum (WMRIF)
In mid-May, the “who’s who” of materials research met up at Empa for the “World Materials Research Institutes Forum”. The key theme, “Materials meet Life”, i.e. the question of how materials interact with our bodies,...
May 23, 2013 | The long road to the 2000-watt society
The vision of a society in which each inhabitant of the earth manages to consume only 2000 watts has already been around for 15 years. During this time, there has been a steady increase in environmental awareness in the...
May 14, 2013 | EmpaNews 40 published
Many chemical reactions and chemical processes take place on surfaces or within boundary layers. In order to understand this, the layers must be analyzed in as much detail as possible. We show, how Empa examines...
Apr 29, 2013 | Innovation award for textile to prevent bedsores
Empa, in conjunction with the company Schoeller Medical AG and the Swiss ParaplegicCentre, has won the Innovation Prize at the international Techtextil trade fair. The award went to the jointly developed sheet for...
29 avr. 2013 | LEmpa invite des cadres dirigeants pour un échange didées
Cette nouvelle série de manifestation de l’Empa a débuté avec succès: le 23 avril, plus de 70 cadres dirigeants de l’industrie suisse se sont réunis pour mener avec les dirigeants de l’Empa une discussion sur le thème de...
Apr 19, 2013 | Joining Technologies and Corrosion Lab
"Joining Technology and Corrosion" laboratory since February 2012. Among other things, his team deals with solder connections, corrosion, local electrochemistry and the design of functional alloys, surfaces and boundary...
Showing 21 to 40 of 56 entries.